Stigma, Stone Tape & Place Memory Theory DeMicco!
Tickets: $20
**This workshop takes place on Saturday April 12th at 1 PM Sunday April 13th at 3 PM, Saturday May 31st and October 4th (Time TBD)** For Rock Island Esoteric Expo tickets please visit thier website. For entry to the West Virginia Penitentiary Horror & Paranormal Convention Workshop, please purchase your admission tickets here.
Are you fascinated by the theories behind paranormal phenomena? Join acclaimed researcher Rachel DeMicco for an enlightening class that delves into the intriguing world of the supernatural, perfect for both curious minds and seasoned paranormal enthusiasts!
What You'll Learn:
Who is Rachel DeMicco?
Rachel DeMicco is a renowned researcher and lecturer in the eld of paranormal studies. With over a decade of experience, she has contributed signicantly to groundbreaking research in
understanding paranormal phenomena. Her work has been featured in numerous publications and conferences, making her a leading voice in the community.
Why Attend?
This class oers a unique opportunity to connect with a community of fellow paranormal enthusiasts. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, get answers to your most pressing questions.
Stonetape Theory: This theory proposes that certain locations can capture and store emotional experiences or signicant events, much like a tape recording. According to this concept, these
emotional imprints can be replayed under specic conditions, often creating the sensation of witnessing past events. It suggests that the environment itself acts as a vessel for memories, allowing individuals to experience echoes of those who came before them. This theory provides a framework to understand why people might report seeing apparitions or experiencing phenomena linked to certain places.
Stigma Theory: This thoery posits that locations where traumatic events, such as violent deaths,
murders, or suicides, have occurred can harbor a lingering negative energy or emotional imprint,
often creating a sense of being "dark" or haunted due to the intense emotions associated with these incidents. This theory highlights the concept of emotional residue, suggesting that the
powerful feelings experienced during a traumatic event can become embedded in a space, inuencing how individuals perceive and interact with that environment in the future.
Additionally, communities may collectively remember and share stories about these traumatic events, further entrenching the stigma surrounding those areas. As a result, individuals who
visit or live in places with a traumatic history may experience anxiety, discomfort, or other negative emotions as a consequence of the perceived residual energy.
Place Memory Theory: This theory suggests that locations may hold memories that can inuence the behavior and experiences of those who visit. It posits that signicant events— whether traumatic or joyful—can leave an imprint on a place, causing it to resonate with energy that can be felt by later inhabitants or visitors. This can explain why certain locations are perceived as haunted or charged with unusual energy, as individuals may tap into the emotional remnants of past occurrences. Understanding this theory can oer insights into the relationship between memory, emotion, and the physical environment and gain insights into how these theories could explain the unexplained.
Event Details:
Spaces are limited, and this class is expected to ll up quickly. Don't miss your chance to learn from one of the best in the eld!
For registration and more information, visit West Virginia Horror and Paranormal Con for more information.
Join us for a captivating journey into the paranormal and expand your understanding of the mysteries that surround us!